CADPlans Corporation


NEW Products Available From CADPlans Corporation

Model 609
newr_8.gif (5163 bytes)CADDigger Model 609
Model 809
newb_8.gif (4999 bytes)CADDigger Model 809
Model 408
newr_8.gif (5163 bytes)CADDigger Model 408
Model 508
newb_8.gif (4999 bytes)CADDigger Model 508
Model 841
newr_8.gif (5163 bytes)CADDigger Model 841
Model 708
CADDigger Model 708
Model 728
CADDigger Model 728
Model 608
CADDigger Model 608
Model 610
CADDigger Model 610
Model 628
CADDigger Model 628
Model 808
CADDigger Model 808
Model 821
CADDigger Model 821
CADDigger Model 650
1) Easy to Maneuver - Finger tip control of the 4 hydraulic cylinders and perfect balance make CADDigger nimble enough to scoot where you want it to go - around trees and buildings to places a full size backhoe can't go.
2) Safe on Slopes - Low center of gravity lets CADDigger work on slopes.
3) Less Expensive - Not only do you save money by building CADDigger, but no trailer is needed. Just hitch it to your car and go!
4) Stores Easily - CADDigger takes just a bit more space than a riding lawnmower.
5) Easy on Your Lawn - CADDigger's stabilizer pads stab into the ground only when digging, while heavy backhoes weighing 20,000 lb. leave ruts, compressed soil and damage to your lawn.
6) Faster - The easy transport of CADDigger will let you complete jobs it can handle while a large machine would still be getting off the trailer.
7) Low Maintenance - With few moving parts and no transmission or drive train, CADDigger can be maintained with a few shots of grease and a quick change of engine oil.
8) More Power - CADDigger gives twice the ripping power of machines that cost 3 times what it will cost you to build CADDigger.
9) Fun to Use - CADDigger lets you do jobs that can't be done by hand and frustrate you when you try to hire a large machine. The low platform height and swivel seat makes getting on and off CADDigger an enjoyable experience.
10) You Built it Yourself! - No special machining equipment required to build CADDigger. You can do it! And when its done you will have a loader you can be proud of.
| CAD Diggers |
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